Extra Life 2013 Update


Hey everyone, 

Just another remember that I am doing Extra Life again this year. Extra Life is a fundraiser, a gamer charity that raises money for Children Miracle Network Hospitals. I am fundraising for BC Children’s Hospital that does amazing work in healing kids across our province. 

When I was born I had a brain disease and was premature. I was quite sick. Twenty-eight years afterwards, I am living. Thanks to the love of my parents and the nurturing care of the doctors and nurses at this hospital. This hospital has also helped countless others I know.

I am not just doing this for BC Children’s Hospital. I am doing it for the Children of British Columbia that they receive the best medical care the marvels of modern medicine can provide, to relieve their pain so they can live their extraordinary lives. These kids are heroes to me. 

This is why I am raising funds. All I am asking if you are capable to donate whatever you can afford. I want to exceed my 300$ goal like I exceeded my $200 goal last year. 

Extra Life is a 24 hour – no – 25 hour gaming marathon that will be held around November 2nd. I have tentative plans of doing the same day if my work schedule permits but I will most likely schedule around it. 

I really want to give back to my community and this gives me that chance to do what I love. 

Please head over to the link. The website will provide additional information how your donation will help children. Please make a donation doesn’t matter how small or big, you’ll have my thanks and appreciation. You’ll be a heroes in my eyes and the next time I see you, I’ll give you one of the world’s biggest hugs. 

Thanks to a generous donation of $20 from an Internet friend I have reached 10% of my $300 goal. I sit at $30. Please donate today.

Lots of love, 


Please watch the video that started it all. 

Extra Life 2013

Last year I participated in Extra Life. I rose monies for BC Children’s Hospital here in Vancouver, British Columbia. BC Children’s is a Children’s Miracle Network Hospital. I had so much fun doing it last year playing video games, drinking soda and energy, munching on all the munchies for twenty-four hours.

I am pretty excited that I am returning to do it all again. Because kids should be kids. They shouldn’t have to worry about these sorts of things. But we don’t live in that sort of world that we all wished dearly we did. These kids deserve to have a playroom. To laugh and to share joy with their moms and their dads and their brothers and sisters and their cousins, aunts and uncles. Their granddads and grandmas.

That is why I am doing it but it’s not the only reason. A few months ago I lost a dear friend of mine. He was my inspiration to do this last year. He was involved with Extra Life and Child’s Play charities from the very beginning and encouraged me to get involved.

This year Extra Life is the first Saturday of November 2013. It’s the second. We have three months to raise $300. Last year I exceeded my $200 goal by raising $238.

People of the Internets, friends and family, Tweeps, FBers — please help me reach my goal. Do it for the children.

Click on the following link to reach my fundraiser’s page on Extra Life.

Thank you,


Extra Life

I’m not sure if you know but I’m an avid gamer. I game mostly on the Xbox 360 and genres fluctuate. I’ve committed myself to a 24 hour gaming marathon for charity next Saturday to raise fund for the Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals. I’m playing for BC Children’s Hospital Foundation. You can make a donation on my page here. The money goes to improve the lives of children at BC Children’s Hospital.

I look forward to your support. I plan on writing more in the next few days leading up to it.